Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Essay - 1830 Words
Elizabeth Cady Stanton nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I was once called the most dangerous woman in America because I dared to ask for the unthinkable- the right to vote. I challenged my cultures basic assumptions about men and women, and dedicated my life to the pursuit of equal rights for all women. My name is Elizabeth Cady Stanton. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I was born in Johnstown, New York, on the 12th of November, 1815. My father is the prominent attorney and judge Daniel Cady and my mother is Margaret Livingston Cady. I was born the seventh child and middle daughter. Although my mother gave birth to eleven children- five boys and six girls- six of her children died. Only one of my brothers survived to adulthood, and he died†¦show more content†¦Although I learned a great deal at the academy, I objected to the principle of single sex education and felt it was artificial and unnatural. I believed knowledge had no sex. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; I graduated in 1833 and returned to my parents home, and this is when I entered the world of reform. While visiting my cousin, Gerrit Smith (the abolitionist) in Peterboro, New York, I met with all kinds of reformers. There, too, I met the man I was to marry- Henry Stanton, a renowned abolitionist speaker and journalist. My marriage to Henry, who was 10 years older than me, marked an important turning point in my life, especially since my father objected to my choice. He strongly disagreed with Henrys radical politics, and tried to discourage me, but I was stubborn. So, on May 1, 1840, we got married in my parents home in Johnstown. On the wedding day, we both agreed (although the minister objected) to remove the word quot;obeyquot; from my vows. I refused to obey someone with whom I was entering an equal relationship. We honeymooned in London where Henry combined business with pleasure and attended the World Anti- Slavery Convention. It was in London that I met Lucretia Mott, when both of us were banished from the convention because of our gender. We resolved the keep in touch when we returned to America, but eight years passed before this happened. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Meanwhile, after Henry and I returned to theShow MoreRelated Elizabeth Cady Stanton Essay646 Words  | 3 PagesElizabeth Cady Stanton Elizabeth Cady Stanton was known as the Daughter of the Revolution, which dealt with womens suffrage (Ward 92). Stanton was born on November 12, 1815, to Daniel Cady and Margaret Livingston. Daniel, her father, held the position of judge of Johnstown, New York. Unfortunately for Daniel, Margaret gave birth to only three sons, two whom died shortly after; one at birth and the other after graduating from Union College . Stanton engaged herself in Greek studies andRead MoreThe Early Life Of Elizabeth Cady Stanton866 Words  | 4 PagesThe early life of Elizabeth Cady Stanton starts with her being the fourth child of six children. Her mother was from a wealthy family and a big part of the political elite of New York. Stanton’s grandfather was an officer during the American Revolution under George Washington, and was a part of New York state legislature. Her father was a member of the New York state legislature, U.S. House of Representatives and after 1847 became a member of the Supreme Court of New York State. During the 1830’sRead MoreThe Declaration Of Sentiments By Elizabeth Cady Stanton1135 Words  | 5 PagesThere are many important documents in history that have influenced the lives of women today, but possibly none more important than the â€Å"Declaration of Sentiments†by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The declaration was able to make an extremely strong and memorable impact, not only for the ideas presented in it, but also for its strong rhetoric and use of figurative language such as anaphora and syntax; also, notable is its imitation of the â€Å"Declaration of Independence†. Though written over one hundred yearsRead MoreThe Declaration Of Sentiments By Elizabeth Cady Stanton1225 Words  | 5 PagesP.1 27 January 2015 Essay Contest: The Declaration of Sentiments In the Declaration of Sentiments, author Elizabeth Cady Stanton expresses her anger of the oppression experienced by women in the United States. After being rejected to attend the World’s Anti-Slavery convention in London, Stanton was frustrated because she was being rejected for being a woman. This motivated Stanton to share her own ideas on advocating women’s rights and changing the way women are treated in society because ofRead MoreThe Feminist Movement By Elizabeth Cady Stanton848 Words  | 4 Pagesfirst wave’s focus caused the lull that is the unnamed problem and started the second wave. The first wave of feminism sacrificed their original ideologies. The original women’s rights leaders had more on their agendas than just suffrage. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, one of the original leaders, drafted in â€Å"Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions†many grievances about men and resolutions that the women of Seneca Falls Convention demanded: equal wages, rights to education and occupation, equality ofRead MoreThe Original Riot Grrrls By Elizabeth Cady Stanton1385 Words  | 6 Pageshave taken control of their opinions and used their strong-will to make the necessary changes in American society. During the Seneca Falls Convention, Elizabeth Cady Stanton exclaimed in her address, â€Å"The right is ours. The question now is: how shall we get possession of what rightfully belongs to us,†(Stanton). The leaders, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott of the Seneca Falls Convention, along with other female leaders, displayed civil disobedience, provided powerful lectures, and organizedRead MoreElizabeth Cady Stanton : Traits Of The Classic Feminist1089 Words  | 5 Pagesother hand, Elizabeth Cady Stanton exemplifies the traits of the classic feminist. Despite her great accomplishments, Stanton came from a rather humble background that provided her with substantial support in the search for equality. Stanton was the first woman to run for election to Congress and the founder of the organized women s movement in the United States (Infobase Learning). Stanton was born on November 12, 1815 in Johnstown, New York. Her parents were Margaret Livingston Cady and DanielRead MoreElizabeth Cady Stanton s Declaration Of Sentiments1249 Words  | 5 PagesMy paper will include Elizabeth Cady Stanton and what made her set out to start the Women s Rights Movement with her friend Susan B Anthony. Elizabeth became an early leader for the women s rights movements, writing the â€Å"Declaration of Sentiments†as a sign for equal rights for women.In every soul there is bound up some truth and some error, and each gives to the world of thought what no other one possesses.â€â€Cousin. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born on November 12, 1815 in Johnstown New York.Read MoreElizabeth Cady Stanton : Women s Rights1922 Words  | 8 Pages Abstract Elizabeth Cady Stanton forever changed the social and political landscape of the United States of America by succeeding in her work to guarantee rights for women and slaves. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a leader in the 19th century for women’s activist and women’s suffrage leader. As an active American abolitionist, she gave many lectures and wrote books. Among those fighting for women’s rights, she was a primary leader. Though she was interested in women’s rights from many perspectivesRead MoreWomen s Rights By Elizabeth Cady Stanton1015 Words  | 5 Pageswomen’s rights was organize on a worldwide status. In July, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott created the first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York. More than 300 people (women, a couple of men and african americans) attended. Their belief was that women should be provided with better opportunities revolving around education and employment, and that they deserved to have a voice in their government. Elizabeth Cady Stanton composed a â€Å"Declaration of Sentiments†document, influenced
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Effects of Bullying Essay - 1606 Words
The dictionary definition of bullying is, â€Å"a person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people†(Bullying) . To many, it is more than a definition in a dictionary, it is a lifestyle. Unfortunately, an opposite lifestyle is lived by more than seventy-five percent of students across the country, the life of being bullied. Hundreds and thousands of children dread opening their computer or going to school because they know what awaits them. Cruel comments, physical harm, and humiliation. Bullies are able to use many tactics to push their victims past the breaking point. They will use the victims social status and deviance, to label them and disconnect them from their in-groups until it seems like they†¦show more content†¦(Pearce, A.7) Sociologist ask many questions that could hold the answer to how a society can put an end to bullying and it’s harmful effects. One of the five basic questions of sociology is the following, how do groups influence individual human behavior? Taking a look at this question, one can see how this can pertain directly to bullying and suicide. Social groups can have a great influence on an individual’s behavior, especially for young people. Everyone wants to feel a sense of belonging and to feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves. A social Group involves some type of interaction, a sense of belonging, of membership, shared interests or agreement on values, norms, and goals. Throughout a persons young life, they will be involved with several social groups. Some will be in-groups, which are social groups that people feel a sense of belonging, share a consciousness of kind, share a common fate, adhere to a common ideology, or come from a common background . On the other hand, an out-group is a group to which people feel they do not belong, they do not share a consciousness of kind, and they feel little identity. If an individual is being bullied, it will often be by an out-group. This out-group will make the individual feel like they are weird or different, however, by becoming a part of a referenceShow MoreRelatedBullying And Its Effect On Bullying1225 Words  | 5 Pagessituation is too much time wasted while another child suffers at the hands of bullying. There is no way to put a complete stop to bullying. Even if people responded to the issue in an ideal way, which almost no one does, there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to the problem (Whitson). People too often refer to an understood goal to stop bullying. They use terms like prevention and the phrase, â€Å"bring an end to bullying.†A smile to a bullied student from the math teacher, contrary to apparent popularRead MoreBullying Effects900 Words  | 4 PagesCauses and Effects of Bullying Every year, approximately 7 percent of students report to being bullied (â€Å"Physical†). Most people know bullying is wrong, but it continues to play a dominating role in the lives of adolescents. Whether the bullying was done by spreading rumors, calling someone names or through the Internet, there are many different causes of bullying, why it occurs, and how it effects the victim. The causes of bullying can influence how the bully decides to target a victim. VictimsRead MoreThe Effects Of Bullying And Cyber Bullying1811 Words  | 8 PagesThe effects of bullying and cyber bullying in today’s society have grave consequences that can lead to the untimely deaths of many children throughout the nation. In the past there have been numerous incidents involving teenagers shooting up schools and most recently children taking their own lives because they were tortured, teased in school, and made fun of online in their very own homes. What is a bully and what can we d o to prevent our children from harming themselves and others because of theseRead MoreThe Effects of Bullying2233 Words  | 9 PagesAbstract Bullying is defined as a repeated aggression in which one or more persons intend to harm or disturb another person physically, verbally or psychologically. It can take many forms such as physical aggression, verbal aggression or social isolation. Bullying is a significant social problem and has likely occurred throughout human history. Research has shown that bullying not only affects a child’s learning but it also has detrimental consequences on a child’s future development. Effects on victimsRead MoreThe Effects Of Bullying On Everyone s Bullying1220 Words  | 5 PagesFebruary 2016 The Effects of Bullying on Everyone Bullying and in its many various ways effects everyone in a lot of ways. A lot of the people are being humiliated and hurt. Victims of bullying commit suicide because people that are being bullied think bullying will not stop. Bullying is a big problem in many countries, it is a problem that everyone can experience at anytime and anywhere. Bullying can be the number one problem everyone experiences in daily basis. Bullies think that bullying is fun. BulliesRead MoreCauses and Effects of Bullying1066 Words  | 4 PagesThe rapper Macklemore once said, â€Å"Bullying is a national epidemic.†Bullying has been an issue in the United States in the 1970’s and is still growing nationwide. Despite efforts to contain and eradicate bullying, bullies and bullying has not gone away and has been growing rather than declining. Bullying is a current issue that is controversial because there is little to no action against bullying, the damage done to the victims lead to horrible actions such as suicide, and although it is gainingRead MoreEssay on Effects of Bullying 1232 Words  | 5 Pages Bullying is a terrible and dangerous activity that occurs in numerous places, such as schools, workplaces, and even homes. According to a study conducted in 2010, â€Å"about one in seven students in grades kindergarten through 12th grade is either a bully or has been a victim of bullying†(â€Å"Bullying Statistics†). Bullying can be performed by a student, co-worker, or even a parent. There are many classifications of bullying, each with their own causes, such as a lack of parental guidance, low self esteemRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Society1060 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is bullying? Google’s online dictionary defines bullying as using superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Many define bullying as physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically degrading another living being. Bullying has become a growing issue around the world. The act of bullying can begin with a small eye roll, but within a short period of time it can escalate to abuse. Bullying is an issue that cannot be takenRead MoreNegative Effects Of Bullying1232 Words  | 5 Pages Bullying is a continuing problem that has affected individuals from their childhood and continuing well into adulthood. Consequences of bullying are vast in their potential to negatively impact the person s physical, emotional, and psychological state of well being. The poor management of stress brought by the onset of bullying affects social health both short term and long term foreshadowing numerous potential risk factors and actions. Prevalent issues in victims include higher chances of mentalRead MoreCauses And Effects Of Bullying1297 Words  | 6 Pages10/23/15 Causes and Effects of Bullying Bullying is a big issue that spreads through the world. It can happen to anyone of all ages, and in numerous ways. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among people that involves a real or perceived power imbalance that either repeats or has the potential to repeat, overtime (Bullying Definition). There are so many factors that tie into bullying such as, why the bully is actually bullying, why the bully chose that victim, or even the effects that occur while
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Enforceable Business Agreement Contract Law
Question: Describe the Enforceable Business Agreement for Contract Law. Answer: 1 Under all the three cases mentioned below, the analysis is to find out if there is an enforceable agreement from Jack and Jane and if there is consideration involved as per the rules of the Contract Law. The analysis is done based on the definition of the Contract act and its fundamental essence a ) Jane is going overseas and she offers to give her Lotus Super 7 sports car to Jack. The market value for this type of vehicle in good condition is around $25 000. Jack accepts The key elements of a legally enforceable contract is that A )There must be an offer B ) The other party has to accept the offer C ) The acceptance has to be on the back of a consideration D ) There must be an intention to fulfill a mutual obligation wherein the offerer offers and the offeree discharges a valid consideration E ) Both the parties must be competent and capable of entering into a contract. F ) In some cases, there has to be written instrument. In the instant case, Jane has made an offer to give the car when she is going overseas. Jack has accepted the obligation to keep the car. Since the car is not sold to Jack for a valid consideration, there is no mutuality of obligation as mentioned in point D above. Though the market value of the car is $ 25,000 there is no consideration exchanged. Hence this is not an enforceable contract and no consideration. It is only a request to keep the car which Jack has accepted to discharge. b ) Jane offers to sell Jack her Lotus Super 7 sports car for $ 25 000. The market value for this type of vehicle in good condition is around $ 25 000. Jack accepts In this case, unlike case b above, Jane is selling the car and Jack has accepted the offer of Jane by accepting to buy the car. Hence there is mutuality of obligation as per Point D above. The discharge of obligation is also on a valid consideration amount. Hence all the points mentioned above are satisfied in this case There is an offer Which Jane has made to Jack There is an acceptance of the offer Jack has accepted the offer Consideration There is a consideration to fulfill the contract There is a mutual obligation Jane is obliged to deliver the car and Jack is obliged to discharge the consideration. Competency and capability Both parties are competent and capable to enter into a contract Written instrument There is no strict stipulation that contracts have to be written. Even an oral contract like this one is enforceable c ) Jane offers to sell Jack her Lotus Super 7 sports car for $2500. The market value for this type of vehicle in good condition is around $25 000. Jack accepts. In this case, all the conditions mentioned in answer b above are fulfilled. Hence this is a valid enforceable contract. In the absence of other information, the magnitude of the amount compared to the market value of the car is not a valid criterion to assess to check the enforceability of the contract. Hence the amount of $ 2500 to sell the car when the market price is $ 25000 is not to be considered when assessing the validity of the contract and its enforceability. The value for a contract is be assessed objectively and in case the purchaser and the seller have agreed to the consideration, law has no locus standi to question the adequacy of the same 2. A shipbuilder had contracted to build a tanker for North Ocean Tankers. The contract was in US dollars and didnt contain any provisions for currency fluctuations. Approximately halfway through construction of the ship, the United States devalued its currency by 10 per cent. As the shipbuilder stood to make a loss on the contract, it demanded that an extra US $ 3 million be paid or it would stop work. The buyer reluctantly agreed under protest to pay, as he already had a charter for the tanker and it was essential that it be delivered on time. The buyer didnt commence action to recover the excess payment until some nine months after delivery. Will the buyer succeed in recovering the excess? 2 - Under the contract law, duress or coercion occurs whereby a person is forced to perform a certain act which he does not want to do but agrees to do it purely out of force, threat, violence or other forms of pressure not in the normal course of functioning. Thus duress is a pressure which is exerted upon a person to perform or not perform an act contra distinct from that of behavior of a normal person with all degrees of freedom to act. Thus duress curbs the degrees of freedom of a defendant in extraordinary circumstances In terms of contract law, duress refers to a situation where one of the parties got elevated into an advantageous position due to any circumstance and abused the position by subjecting the other party to a threat. Black Law Dictionary defines duress that it is a threat of harm made to force the other party to do something against his or her will which results in ascendance of the threatening party in comparison to the threatened party and force action without real volition. Under contract law, there are two types of duress namely a) Physical Duress b) Economic Duress. In the instant case, where the ship builder has demanded extra compensation, it is a clear case of Economic Duress. For Economic Duress to occur, there has to be illegal economic pressure on the other party to conduct his affairs in an extraordinary fashion. The pre requisites are There is an improper threat There is no alternative of the disadvantaged party but to accept the other party conditions The threat changes the color of the contract which was originally made and defeats or alters the original intention of the contract There is an objective financial distress being caused to the other party If these above conditions are satisfied then the contract can be made voidable by the sufferer (HubPages, 2016) In the instant case, there is a shipbuilder who has entered into a contract with North Ocean Tankers to build a tanker at a certain price in US dollars. The contract has not envisaged any provision for financial loss due to currency fluctuations. However, after the first installment, US devalued their currency by 10 % and the ship builder demanded compensation of USD 3 million as compensation for the financial loss with the threat that delivery will not be adhered to if the owner does not make good the loss. Thus the shipbuilder put an improper threat ultra vires to the terms of the agreed contract and the contract could be made voidable by North Ocean Tankers. However, North Ocean tankers decided to pay the compensation under the fear that they may lose the charter for the tanker if the tanker was not delivered on time. In the case of North Ocean Shipping versus Hyundai which is a similar case, North Ocean had agreed to pay the compensation since they wished to maintain amicable rel ationship and without prejudice to their rights. (, 2016) The judgment was that amicable relationship is not good consideration. One of the pre a condition of a contract is that there has to a consideration and has to be measurable. Amicable relationship is not an objective measurable consideration and hence it is not good consideration . But the act was performed under Economic Duress as defined above where there was an improper threat from the ship builder to cancel the delivery, North Ocean was disadvantaged and ship builder went into an ascendant position because of the economic duress caused, the color of the contract and the financial conditions were materially changed and the objective financial distress of USD 3 mn was measurable. Hence the contract was voidable at the option of North Ocean. But they chose to keep it alive without any alteration. They could have entered into a fresh contract with the ship builder by rescinding the original contract if they wanted to continue with the construction of the ship with the same ship buil der. They chose to remain silent and pay the USD 3 mn as compensation to maintain amicable relation. Amicable relation is not a valid obligation for a contract. (, 2016) At the same time, they delayed in bringing the case to the court by nine months after delivery of the vessel. The obligation of North Ocean in this case is two pronged which has not been discharged Rescind the contract and demand compensation from the ship builder as per the terms of the original contract in addition to business loss OR Ratify the original contract by entering into a new contract with revised financial terms OR In case of dispute, register a case against the ship builder for creating Economic Duress in the instant moment (, 2016) North Ocean on the other hand did not take any of the steps mentioned above and chose to remain silent until 9 months of delivery. Hence though the case is a fit case of Economic Duress and the contract is voidable, excess is not recoverable from the ship builder. North Ocean by their choice of inaction had affirmed the original contract and had lost all right of rescinding the same. The contract was voidable due to the duress, which in the absence of timely action under any of the three methods stated above, they had lapsed their right to rescind and claim compensation. (, 2016) In the North Ocean versus Hyundai case which is a similar case, there were some additional points which were facts of the case. The additional compensation of USD 3 mn was backed by a reverse letter of credit given by the builder to the owner. At the same time, North Ocean had agreed to the compensation without prejudice to their rights(, 2016) Considering this fact, the additional letter of credit for USD 3 mn given by the builder was considered to be adequate consideration for the agreement to pay 10 % more than the contract value as compensation for undertaking the additional obligation and had held themselves liable to the increased loss. Thus when a threat to a contract had led to an additional contract, such contract made on adequate consideration was under economic duress and hence was voidable. But given that no action was taken by North Ocean indirectly affirms the contract in the absence of the explicit statement that it is not their intention to affirm the contract to the builder. Thus the owner was not entitled to the claim of 10 % to be returned. In this judgment, the dictat of Smith versus Charlick Ltd ( 1924 ) 34 CLR and Skeate versus Beale ( 1840 ) 11 Ad El 984 was considered. References (2016).Duress : the doctrine of Economic Duress | Surya Kiran - [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Aug. 2016]. (2016).Australian Contract Law | Julie Clarke. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Aug. 2016]. (2016).Australian Contract Law | Julie Clarke. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Aug. 2016]. (2016).North Ocean Shipping v Hyundai Construction (The Atlantic Baron). [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Aug. 2016]. HubPages. (2016).Duress and Undue Influence - Descriptions Cases. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Aug. 2016]. (2016).Contract Law lecture: "Consideration" in Acceptance of Contract. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Aug. 2016]. (2016).Cases Week 8 Flashcards | Quizlet. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Aug. 2016].
Sunday, December 1, 2019
To Kill A Mockingbird - Who Is The Most Guilty Essays -
To Kill A Mockingbird - Who Is The Most Guilty To Kill A Mockingbird - Who Is The Most Guilty Who is the most guilty? Review the involvement's of the characters in the novel and evaluate weather or not they were guilty, and if so how guilty? In the classic novel ?To Kill A Mockingbird' by Harper Lee there is an abundance of characters that could be proclaimed to be the guilty party, but who is truly the guiltiest one of all? The definition of guilt is as follows; the state of having done something wrong or committed an offense; a feeling of self-reproach from believing that one has done something wrong. My job is to examine the characters closely and determine who is the most guilty in the involvement's of Tom Robinson's prosecution, conviction and ultimately his death. As I stated, there is an abundance of characters that could be guilty, from Mayella and Bob Ewell, Heck Tate, to the jurors and Atticus Finch. All of these characters play a roll in the story, and a roll in the events that happened to Tom Robinson. The story is an interesting one, but guilty parties are found throughout. The story is set against the background of nineteen thirties Southern life. The Finches are a family that once ran a large, successful plantation. Their ancestors had been aristocratic ladies and gentlemen of the south. Now they are reduced to gentle poverty. Atticus and his family live in a town named Maycomb, he is a career layer. He has a son named Jeremy and a daughter named Jean-Louse. They also have a cook named Calpernia, she is a Negro but they respect her greatly. Racism in Maycomb is evident almost where ever you look, and Negro peoples don't have a chance to succeed. A family that played a huge roll in the novel are named the Ewells. They live on the out skirts of town by the dump, near the Negro dwellings. The family consists of Bob, whom has a daughter named Mayella and several other siblings. In the context of the book, they are seen as no better than the Negro's. There is a sheriff named Heck Tate, he is the one and only police officer in the small town, and a judge named Taylor, who in the end hands down Tom's punishment. To Kill A Mockingbird deals with many primal and basic lessons in human nature. The book expresses many issues that affect people throughout there lives. The novel deals with what you feel inside, and I think that some of the characters, or at least, they should be feeling guilt inside. Atticus seems to be a great guy, and a pretty good layer also but he too played a roll in the events that happened to Tom Robinson. Although he did try his best, he was beat before he started...and he knew this. Atticus fought vigorously for him, but failed. Tom was convicted on the charges of rape and Atticus said to him that he would try an appeal, and told him to sit tight. When Tom had been sent to a jail, he was scared for his life and tried to make a run for it, he attempted to scale a large fence. He would have made it if only for the fact that his arm lay dead at his side. He was shot seventeen times in the process. Atticus felt guilty, he was not able to convince Tom that things would work out for him. He failed at letting Tom know that he could be free. The jurors are the single most important people in the court room, and having a clear mind of all prejudices needs to be preset. In this case it was not. The jurors virtually held Tom's life in their hot little hands, and in their prejudicial ways crushed it without thinking twice. The members of the jurors are undoubtedly guilty because of the simple fact that there was no hard evidence that Tom did it, rape Mayella. The jurors should have reviewed the evidence with utter most care, it almost clearly pointed to Bob Ewell as the abuser simply for the fact that a right handed person would have beaten her up. Thus impossible for Tom because his arm lay useless at his side. The evidence was clear, no doctor was brought to the scene to examine Mayella, clearly indicating that something was up, clearly indicating that she was in fact not raped by Tom. The jurors are guilty for the simple fact that they convicted an
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
“Fate loves the fearless†Essay Example
â€Å"Fate loves the fearless†Essay Example â€Å"Fate loves the fearless†Essay â€Å"Fate loves the fearless†Essay Essay Topic: Romeo and Juliet James Russell Lowell’s comment that â€Å"Fate loves the fearless†, is evident in the Shakespearean play ‘Romeo and Juliet’, and in particular with regards to the two main characters: Romeo and Juliet. These two characters fall under the influence of fate which drives them to their deaths. Similarly, the above comment also relates to how an individual can be weak when compared to society. As Romeo and Juliet are fearless to defy the laws of their society, fate drives them to the tragic ending of the play. These two themes are supported by incidents that happen to characters throughout the plot, and their reactions to these incidents. Fate is defined as the development of events outside a person’s control, influenced by outside forces. Fate and its power are presented throughout the play. In the first address to the audience, the Chorus states that Romeo and Juliet are â€Å"star-crossed lovers†, a phrase which suggests that their love is being frustrated by outside forces, leading an Elizabethan audience to believe that they are controlled by fate. Also in the same passage, the Chorus declares that Romeo and Juliet’s love is â€Å"death-marked†, which can suggest that the couple have no control over what happens, which eventually leads to the tragic ending of the play. For example, the Friar’s plan, which may have seemed to the audience a good one, is ruined by the events that happen while Juliet is â€Å"dead†, events which the Friar could not have predicted. However, another interpretation of â€Å"death-marked†could be that the couple are responsible for their own deaths and that it possibly has been a result of their actions. Fate also plays a part in the timing of Romeo’s death and Juliet’s awakening, separated only by minutes. The prologue leads us to believe that these events are not mere coincidences, but are examples of the power of fate and the role that it has in the play. It is also shown in this play how an individual can be weak, compared to the power of society. This is especially shown in the actions of Romeo and Juliet. In their time, much emphasis was placed on the Christian religion and an ordered social structure. There was also a hierarchy in the families themselves. This was interpreted with God at the top, then coming down to the father of the family. In Elizabethan times the defiance of parents was considered equal to disobeying God himself. It was seen as attacking the very fabric of society. Both Romeo and Juliet defy their parents when they fall in love for each other, especially because they are of opposing families. As the head of the family, the father has power over all members of the family, especially females. Therefore, the defiance of her parents is extremely dangerous for Juliet. For example, she is particularly vulnerable when refusing to marry Paris, causing the anger and rage of her father. The intensity of Romeo and Juliet’s love leads them to act in an un-Christian manner, as they start to think of each other in blasphemous terms. For example, Juliet calls Romeo â€Å"the god of my idolatry,†elevating Romeo to the level of God. It also leads them to break the laws of society, using darkness to cover their actions from other people. As a result of these breaches, it is shown how the individual can be weak when compared to society. As explained above, Romeo and Juliet are seen to fall under the power of fate, which leads them to the disastrous ending of the play. Being both young and fearless, they breach the rules of society. The consequences of this show how vulnerable they can be when singled out as individuals. These two themes are revealed by incidents in the play and the characters’ reactions to them.
Friday, November 22, 2019
WORDPLAY Play-on-words is a literary technique that makes the words the main subjects for the purpose of amusement or some particular effect. Hashtag: #ReplaceALetterRuinATvShow Literary A wordplay is a form of humorous writing. It is a literary technique for entertaining readers by manipulating the sounds and meaning of words. Characterized by ambiguity, wordplay is also a form of creative linguistic that takes advantage of words with similar meanings to grab attention. CONNECTING WORDS AND PHRASES A pun is a subtype of wordplay that uses a word (one-word puns) or group of words (compound puns) with several meanings or a sound to make it funny. A good example is funny puns using compound puns or replacing two or more words to change their meaning such as â€Å"Santa’s helpers are subordinate Clauses†. When a writer substitutes a word with another similar-sounding word, the result is homophonic puns. For example,â€Å"The butcher refused to accept my challenge that his knife was dull because the steaks were too high†. In contrast, when the writer uses a word with two different meanings, the resulting puns are homographic puns such as â€Å"Yes, he is the same optometrist who fell into a lens grinder and made a spectacle of himself†. There are also funny animals puns such as â€Å"A horse is a very stable animal†. Funny Puns in Classrooms and in the Internet The pun is a type of wordplay that many authors and poets create to bring fun to the classroom. Since humor is a good motivator, wordplay enriched books and make schoolchildren interested in language and vocabulary. Teachers used wordplay in the classroom to encourage students to expand their vocabulary and challenge their belief about the meaning of the words. Wordplay also helps students see the connection between words. Wordplay extends beyond the classroom to the Internet. Various funny puns are all over the Web bringing a smile to everyone’s face. One-letter puns challenge from social media user #ReplaceALetterRuinATvShow to replace a letter of a TV show title was accepted by fellow users and many are quite good with vocabulary. For example: â€Å"Price is Right†to â€Å"Prick is Right†â€Å"Dr. Who†to â€Å"Dr. Why†â€Å"America’s Top Model†to â€Å"America’s Top Modem†There are puns about technology, puns created by Internet geeks, 15 most hilarious puns, clean and dirty puns, and banned puns that allegedly breached China’s law on standard spoken and written Chinese. However, the fun with puns continues with more clever puns such as: â€Å"People who say they from constipation are full of shit†â€Å"Never trust atoms, they make up everything†â€Å"The person who invented the door knock won the No-bell prize†Wordplay and its popular subtype have a number of beneficial applications. Aside from expanding classroom vocabulary, enhancing the motivation of language learners, and creating a word-rich classroom, English literature masters extensively used the literary technique in their plays and poetry. William Shakespeare, for instance, used wordplay to produce various, life-like representation of a complex human personality. Hebrew Bible writers frequently obscure the true meaning of God messages using wordplay. Wordplay nowadays is widely used in product advertising tagline to draw the attention of readers. Advertisers make good use of wordplay such as: â€Å"Thirst come, thirst served†of Coca-Cola in 1932 â€Å"Put a Tiger in Your Tank†of Exxon If you need assistance with essay writing feel free to contact our support team or place an order right now and we will gladly help you.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Database and Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Database and Terrorism - Essay Example On the other hand, there are information, especially those related to terrorism as well as in national security itself that are permitted to be shared with the public. This is what this paper will explore. The right to know or access information from the government, including those that concern national security, is guaranteed by the US Constitution. Judicial jurisprudence in this regard has consistently upheld that the right to acquire information is an essential component of the First Amendment. In this regard, there are indeed information that the public has the right to know and must know. For instance, in the event of terrorism, the public must know how to respond and, hence, must acquire information in regard to the nature of attacks and ways how to mitigate it. According to Wessely and Krasnov (2005), authorities should seek partnership with the public, provide measure facts for them to make independent choices rather than providing information that is believed what they should hear. (p. 218) Another area wherein access to information is vital concerns the scientific community. There is a growing belief among policymakers that suppressing the transfer of knowledge and technology is vital to the security of the United States. Such belief is not unfounded. Between 1998 and 2000, the US faced three national security crises involving the potential loss of scientific and technical information when China stole advanced military technology from the Department of Energy’s premier national security laboratories. (Esano and Uhir 2003, p. 107) Restricting access to scientific data and technology, on the other hand, could prove detrimental to the growth of the research and development in the United States because such restrictions could diminish the amount of scientific and technical data available in public domain and obstruct scientific inquiry. What must be done is a close collaboration between the security agencies and the scientific
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Organizational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Organizational Change - Essay Example The power and strength of the Army is not only the number but also lies in the contribution from individual soldier. This is because it is not important for them as to what job they have or which rank they hold. The Army has more than 675,000 soldiers which are divided into 488,000 soldiers on Active Duty who are ready to react and fight immediately in any mission and 189,000 soldiers in Army Reserve, who can be mobilized rapidly when their combat and military skills are required in situations of national emergency or in global conflicts (ABOUT THE ARMY). As the US Army consists of a large number of soldiers, it has to be organized into separate units, each with a respective leader and a reporting structure. The Army is separated into two major components as the Active Duty and the Army Reserve. Those who operate in any of the component are known as the Enlisted Soldiers, the Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs), the Warrant Officers or the Commissioned Officers. The following diagram shows how the Army operational unit is organized (ABOUT THE ARMY). The US military life is tough regime where the soldiers are trained to live and survive in tough conditions. No form of social contact is allowed for them. The result is that when these soldiers return back to their social lives they face difficulty in accommodating themselves with the social culture. They get repulsed by the poor physical fitness of the civilians, by the uncivilized uncouth behavior according to their standards, and by what these army persons considered as pervasive selfishness and aimless consumerism. Many also found themselves avoiding their old friends, and some even experienced problems in communicating with their own families. These soldiers develop this feeling that the civilians are only interested in being losers and underachievers. They find the general civilian life nothing but nasty (The
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Learning Skill Essay Example for Free
Learning Skill Essay Q1. Write an essay on why you decided to continue your tertiary education. In your answer also include why WOU was your choice of university. Everyone hope to live in better or luxury life, so do I. But holding only diploma in accounting would not grant me any further opportunity in the fact that nowadays the employers are so arduous and looking forward for more competent and capable candidate. Therefore I make up my mind to pursue higher education for a better career advancement and keep the skills and knowledge up to date. Continuing tertiary education can enhance my marketable skills. Advance to degree means that I learning new skills. A set of skills imparted from this course will help me in the current society. These skills also help me to perform better in my current career, make me more competitive and have the opportunity for promotions (Girl 2014). Tertiary education also increases my earning potential (Girl 2014). In the current career market, the higher your education, the higher your position and the higher your pay (Harrison 2013). From Jobstreet salary report, a finance manager earnings average from RM5,800 to RM8,600 per month (JobStreet. com 2014). In current economy, higher earning is important for a better living life. Continuing my education will gives me advanced knowledge about my area of study. From researching assignments and advanced courses, I will gain additional knowledge relates to my career. Learning from established experts, I will also earn a reputation as an expert in my field too (Harrison 2013). Choosing WOU as my choice as it suits for my part-time study and more flexible. It provides me to study online and have distance learning (University 2014). WOU cuts down my travelling time and cost and only attend classes once a month. I am able to choose the course and plan to study that suits my time that provided by WOU. Other than education, WOU is a place where I can enhance my professional skills and gaining knowledge from the lecturers and students which will makes me become a more valuable and marketable in my career. It is never too late to go back to study. I appreciates that WOU is one of the online study provider that let me study with ease and continuing my education which can fit my studies, working and social life. I can have a degree without having to commit to campus life and receive the degree from my home (Girl 2014).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Downfall of Communism in Eastern and Central Europe :: Government Essays
The Downfall of Communism in Eastern and Central Europe The shocking fall of communism in Eastern and Central Europe in the late eighties was remarkable for both its rapidity and its scope. The specifics of communism's demise varied among nations, but similarities in both the causes and the effects of these revolutions were quite similar. As well, all of the nations involved shared the common goals of implementing democratic systems of government and moving to market economies. In each of these nations, the communist regimes in power were forced to transfer that power to radically different institutions than they were accustomed to. Democracy had been spreading throughout the world for the preceding two decades, but with a very important difference. While previous political transitions had seen similar circumstances, the actual events in question had generally occurred individually. In Europe, on the other hand, the shift from communism was taking place in a different context altogether. The peoples involved were not looking to affect a narrow set of policy reforms; indeed, what was at stake was a hyper-radical shift from the long-held communist ideology to a western blueprint for governmental and economic policy development. The problem inherent in this type of monumental change is that, according to Ulrich K. Preuss, "In almost all the East and Central European countries, the collapse of authoritarian communist rule has released national, ethnic, religious and cultural conflicts which can not be solved by purely economic policies" (47). While tremendous changes are evident in both the governmental and economic arenas in Europe, these changes cannot be assumed to always be "mutually reinforcing" (Preuss 47). Generally it has been theorized that the most successful manner of addressing these many difficulties is the drafting of a constitution. But what is clear is the unsatisfactory ability of a constitution to remedy the problems of nationalism and ethnic differences. Preuss notes that when the constitutional state gained favor in North America, it was founded on the principle of the unitary state; it was not designed to address the lack of national identity which is found throughout Europe - and which is counter to the concept of the constitutional state (48). "Measured in terms of socioeconomic modernization," writes Helga A. Welsh, "Central and Eastern European countries had reached a level that was considered conducive to the emergence of pluralistic policies" (19). It seemed that the sole reason the downfall of communism, as it were, took so long was the veto power of the Soviet Union. According to theories of modernization, the higher the The Downfall of Communism in Eastern and Central Europe :: Government Essays The Downfall of Communism in Eastern and Central Europe The shocking fall of communism in Eastern and Central Europe in the late eighties was remarkable for both its rapidity and its scope. The specifics of communism's demise varied among nations, but similarities in both the causes and the effects of these revolutions were quite similar. As well, all of the nations involved shared the common goals of implementing democratic systems of government and moving to market economies. In each of these nations, the communist regimes in power were forced to transfer that power to radically different institutions than they were accustomed to. Democracy had been spreading throughout the world for the preceding two decades, but with a very important difference. While previous political transitions had seen similar circumstances, the actual events in question had generally occurred individually. In Europe, on the other hand, the shift from communism was taking place in a different context altogether. The peoples involved were not looking to affect a narrow set of policy reforms; indeed, what was at stake was a hyper-radical shift from the long-held communist ideology to a western blueprint for governmental and economic policy development. The problem inherent in this type of monumental change is that, according to Ulrich K. Preuss, "In almost all the East and Central European countries, the collapse of authoritarian communist rule has released national, ethnic, religious and cultural conflicts which can not be solved by purely economic policies" (47). While tremendous changes are evident in both the governmental and economic arenas in Europe, these changes cannot be assumed to always be "mutually reinforcing" (Preuss 47). Generally it has been theorized that the most successful manner of addressing these many difficulties is the drafting of a constitution. But what is clear is the unsatisfactory ability of a constitution to remedy the problems of nationalism and ethnic differences. Preuss notes that when the constitutional state gained favor in North America, it was founded on the principle of the unitary state; it was not designed to address the lack of national identity which is found throughout Europe - and which is counter to the concept of the constitutional state (48). "Measured in terms of socioeconomic modernization," writes Helga A. Welsh, "Central and Eastern European countries had reached a level that was considered conducive to the emergence of pluralistic policies" (19). It seemed that the sole reason the downfall of communism, as it were, took so long was the veto power of the Soviet Union. According to theories of modernization, the higher the
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Compare and Contrast at least three of Fanthorpe’s poems Essay
Fanthorpe’s poems: Half-past Two, Dear Mr Lee, and You will be hearing from us shortly offer us an insight into the views and thoughts of Fanthorpe, as well as making the reader think about their own preconceptions. She does this by making quirky and sometimes satirical poems, which seem almost like prose. Fanthorpe’s aims are unmistakable; her way of inviting the reader to look at life through her tongue-in-cheek writing makes people question their belief on the matter(s) that the poem explores. For example in Half-past Two the poet queries the strange idea of time. Adults see time as a number organised into a sequence that continues through out the day with out stopping. However in this poem Fanthorpe shows that children develop a different sense of time, almost like a dream world where time, as we know it, stops to exist. She also delves into the way that children see time as an event not a number, for example ‘timeformykisstime’. Likewise, in Dear Mr Lee, the poet disputes the way of teaching English, stating that the way teacher deconstruct and analyse poems makes it impossible for the piece to be appreciated for its face values. Similarly, You will be hearing from us shortly dissects the truth about interviews and the way that pressure in an interview can make the interviewee feel looked down on and prejudged. The poem is slightly satirical towards the end, but this only exaggerates the point that Fanthorpe is trying to convey. While under pressure, interviewees can hallucinate in a surreal manner. For example, ‘And you were born-? Yes pity’. Overall, the aims of all three poems suggest that Fanthorpe has some strong views about things we don’t really see as serious issues but do affect people. Technique plays a big role in all of Fanthorpe’s poems, especially You will be hearing from us shortly, where the text aligned on the right indicates what the interviewer is thinking at that point in the interview. This is unique to Fanthorpe’s poems. Likewise in Dear Mr Lee irregular and haphazard line endings and even a P.S. in the poem contributes to the idiosyncratic nature of it. However in Half-past Two there are well-organised stanzas, typical of the common types of poem. Capital letters are used to exaggerate or highlight an important idea that Fanthorpe wants to be recognised, for example ‘on Her desk’ represents the way the child imitates something said to him. Another variant from the norm in all three poems is the use of brackets or italic writing to represent either private thoughts or another voice. During the three pieces various voices are regularly used; the poet will do this to show either a different viewpoint or the words of a narrator. In the poem Half-past Two voices are used extensively to represent what the child was thinking, what the teacher said and also the narrating. During Dear Mr Lee there seems to be no arrangement in the text at all, however it does resemble a prose letter. However, looking more closely, the poem seems to represent the child’s feelings about teaching methods. Voices in this poem seem to consist of the child’s thoughts and her teacher’s remarks. However in You will be hearing from us shortly the only voice is of the interviewer(s). I imagine Fanthorpe does this so that the reader can add in his or her own response to the observations of the interviewer. Fanthorpe’s style is very prose-like and the colloquial nature invites the reader into a new dimension of humour. The register in all three poems is varied, for example in Dear Mr Lee goes from, ‘you’d know it’s lived with me, stained with Coke and Kitkat’ too, ‘good at terse and cogent’. This varied approach to the poem may be due to the different voices that Fanthorpe puts in. All three poems especially contain a satirical and sarcastic tone, and towards the end of You will be hearing from us shortly there is an almost surreal and dreamy feel to the tone. However all the poems, as well as having humour and tongue-in-cheek style, also harness a serious intention. For example in You will be hearing from us shortly, even though it is quite funny, the way you can be looked down on in as an interviewee is a prejudice. For example the interviewer says ‘And now a delicate matter: your looks. Do you appreciate this work involves contact with the actual public?’ This is clearly is meant to be a realistic event so that Fanthorpe can insight the reader to believe that prejudice does happen. Generally all the poems are very well written, however close analysis reveal even more about the poet’s way with words. In Half-past Two the last stanza is a brilliant description of the way that a child can slip into ‘the clockless land of ever, and time hides waiting to be born’. This end fraction of the poem portrays the child’s dream world and how there is ‘no time’ until the child is taught how to read time and it is then that time, as adults know it is ‘born’. In You will be hearing from us shortly the poet could not only be referring to the way that interviewers look upon interviewees, but how candidates assume surreal events will occur in the interview. For example it is very unlikely that an interviewer would comment on the very existence of an interviewee. During Dear Mr Lee Fanthorpe takes on the role of a child and doesn’t tell the reader she has done this but instead writes like one. She achieves this by having no indents, no punctuation, random line lengths, no rhythm or rhyme and no paragraphs. For example there is not one full stop until the forty-ninth line. Writing like a child makes the reader think that the poem is being told by a child. To conclude, the three Fanthorpe poems looked at in the Essay help us to understand the way that Fanthorpe regards incidents happening in the world today. It also uses a colloquial tone that provides a jovial piece to read as well as getting a serious point through. All in all the prose-like texts let the reader enjoy an idiosyncratic and meaningful set of poems.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Marketing Segmentation of Adidas
Adidas is a major German sports apparel manufacturer, which was founded in 1948. It is the largest sportswear manufacturer in Europe and the second biggest sportswear manufacturer in the world, after Nike. The company's clothing and shoe designs typically feature three parallel bars. The company revenue for 2009 was listed at â‚ ¬10. 38 billion. The market segmentation; targeting and position play an important role in this company. This essay will use the three factors to analyze this company. Market segmentation Market segmentation was to dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers with different needs, charactistics or behaviour who might require separate products or marketing mixes, the company will first identifies different way to segment the market and then develops profiles of the resulting market segments. As market consist of many buyers, they may differ in their wants, buying attitudes and buying practices, so a seller might design a separate market program for each buyer. Adidas mainly focus on demographic and psychographic segmentation. So Adidas develops their brand in 3 different styles according to the segmentation. Demographic segmentation refers to dividing the market into groups based on demographic variables, such as sex and age, which this method has long been used in clothing market. They branded products into range of male, female and kids, according to age and life cycle segmentation and gender segmentation, after all they can have products that can fit to almost every demographic possible. Adidas has a branded range of male and female clothing, shoes or body-care and eyewear, which all three brands of Adidas; Performance, Originals and Style also provide products for this segment. Ppsychographic segmentation was to dividing the market into groups based on social class, life style or personality characteristics. Adidas focus on social class because people within a given social class tend to have similar buying behavior. People interest in many goods is affected by their life style and many goods they buy are expressions of their lifestyle, people who loves outdoor activities and sporty style will tends to buy Adidas products. By using personality variables to segment markets, giving their products personalities that correspond to consumer personalities. From the fundamental marketing concepts, it is important to satisfy customers need and meet their expectations, in orders to keep royal consumer. Adidas has did a successful job in this area, because many people who are experiencers and image drivers believes that Adidas provides products which are fashionable, good looking and can be functional too. So Adidas Originals was designed to focus on fashion and life-style. Adidas segment customers like athletes, gym regulars, sports enthusiasts, brand freaks and image seekers. Adidas often have work with different athletes, which produce products that enhance performances. Adidas Performance currently manufactures several running shoes, football kit and associated equipment, being official outfitter of NBA, golf equipments, training and more other sports. Adidas also featured with Y-3 and Adidas NEO Label provided crossover products with different brands that customers who loves either brands would also attracted to buy their products. Market targeting Market targeting is evaluating different market segments, a company must look at three factors: segment size and growth, segment structural attractiveness, and company objectives and resources. (Kotler et al 2010, p277) After evaluating different segments, Adidas adopts market coverage strategy which is differentiated marketing. For using this, Adidas decides to target several market segments, and separate offers for each. (Kotler et al 2010, p278) Thus, the company of Adidas has three different types of product for ustomers, which are Performance, Originals and Style. Here is the table shows three sub-brands of Adidas. Brand of Adidas | Target market| Performance| the customers who like sports. it’s everywhere around the global where sports are simply played, watched, enjoyed and celebrated. | Originals| focuses on streetwear and lifestyle fasions. | Style| Y-3 targets a forward-thinking fashion consumer. SLVR is the smart fashion sportswear label within adidas Sport Style. NEO label is targeted to appeal to the fashionable teen (12- to 16-year-old) who is fully engaged in life, be it through social networking, family, friends, outdoor or sporting activities. | (Adidas group 2009) Those brands allow Adidas to address multiple consumer needs, exploit market opportunities from various angles as well as be less affected by one-dimensional market risks. Considering each sub brand, it uses market coverage strategy which identifies as a market coverage strategy in which a company goes after a large share of one or a few submarket. Kotler et al 2010, p279) For example, Adidas Orginal promotes classic style. It comprise the side collection of numbers of items such as sneakers, clothes, eyewear an watches. In addition, it promotes for different gender, also it targets on customers refer to their lifestyle, which are interest, hobbies and personality , for example, the people like skateboarding would like Adidas Original. adidas Originals with its Trefoil logo has become a relevant part of many people’s lives, whether they are skaters, rockers, artists, musicians, sneakerheads, sports fans and so on. In 2011, Adidas Originals promotes a new line which is denim collection. Market positioning After the market segmentation and market targeting, the next step is market positioning, positioning played an important role for a company to get success and the definition of positioning is designing the company’s offering and image to the mind of buyer (Kotler et al, 2010 p. 280). From the definition of positioning we can easily understand positioning is not what company do to the product, it’s what company do to the mind of consumer elative to competing products, therefore, company can through a valuable proposition, positioning provide the reasons for purchase in the mind of the customers. Firstly, Adidas is a company focus on producing and selling sports goods, which include footwear, clothes and some sports equipment. Therefore, Adidas invested a lot of money to major sport events and major sports clubs around the world to promote and positioning the impression of the Adidas’s sports products as the world leading high quality and most popular sports producer. In addition to using celebrity and well-known club to endorse products, Adidas also constantly using innovation of technique to improve the quality of product, and employ world’s best designers to make their products more popular. As a result, Adidas positioning their products more popular and high quality in consumers mind. Secondly, Adidas is now positioning their new products to be â€Å"faster†. For example, the new basketball boots â€Å"Dwight Howard Superbeast†which was represented by NBA basketball star Dwight Howard is the lightest professional basketball boots in basketball history. This boots make the basketball players run much faster and make stronger move than wearing other shoes. (No author, July 2010) As well as football boots, the â€Å"F50†football boots that represented by the best footballer in this decade Leonardo Messi is one of the lightest football boots in the world. (No author, March 2010) Thirdly, relative to competitors such as Nike, Adidas is more focusing on basketball such as NBA, Adidas is the main provider of all home kits and away kits of 20 teams in NBA, this make Adidas the best producer of basketball wearing products in consumers’ mind. In conclusion, Adidas has become a world leading producer of sports wear by positioning themselves as high quality, popular, and faster. Conclusion In conclusion, market segmentation, targeting and positioning, which are the three important factors in Adidas Company’s marketing. Market segmentation, you should focus on demographic and psychographic segmentation, Adidas can develop brand in 3 different styles, and it can result in get more profit from different style customer. Adidas target on the customers who like sports, such as FIFA World Cup or the NBA All-Star Gam. It can be seen that Adidas have more chance in big money events; it can help the company improve brand equity and enhance the company target. Adidas positioning on sports goods is high quality and popular, it is very suitable for the younger. If Adidas Company fully to use market segmentation, targeting and positioning three steps, I believe that Adidas becomes the first brand in the world in the future. ReferenceKotler, P, Brown, L, Burton, S, Deans, K ; Armstrong, G, 2010, Marketing, 8th Edn, Person Australia, Frenchs Forest NSW.Adidas group 2009, Adidas strategy, viewed in 12 May, March 2011, viewed in 12 May,Adidas July 2011, viewed in 12 May, ;;
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Literature of Puritan, speaks of Edward Taylor and Anne Bradstreet
The Literature of Puritan, speaks of Edward Taylor and Anne Bradstreet Puritan Literature is written in several forms. It expresses feelings, life, God, Gods word, Gods work and there aditudes.The main belief of the Puritan's that was written about in the past is religon, and faith in God. They showed there feelings in stories, journals, and meny other forms. Some of the major Puritan writers are: Anne Bradstreet, William Bradford, Edward Taylor, William Byrd, and menny outhers.The author of 'Huswifery', Edward Taylor expreses his feelings in a poem, he talks about how he wants the lord to use his body as a spinning wheel to glorify God and his word. He compares his body, and parts of his body to the spinning wheel, and parts of the spinning wheel. He asks God to transform him to make him better for the glory of God.This one story shows a breaf segment of how the puritan's felt about and what there attitudes were and they beleved deep in God and that he is the only true savor.English: "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God, A ...They change ways, words, and feelings to fit in with God and good things to try to make people change to puritanisum.Jonathan Edwards arthor of 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God' expresses his feelings in a story that tells God is not a man to mess with and that we are all bad people that are condemed to eternal damn nation. There is no way to become saved unless we are bornagian, he uses this to pruswade people to convert back to puritanisum and this worked for a small amount of people.Anne Bradstreet aouthor of 'Upon the burning of our House.' This poem is one of the ones that I liked most because it tells a good point that we should not worry, love, Etc.. about earthly things...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Poetry Rhythm And Metre †Part 2
Poetry Rhythm And Metre – Part 2 Poetry Rhythm And Metre – Part 2 Poetry Rhythm And Metre – Part 2 By Simon Kewin Our previous post looked at the basics of poetry rhythm and metre (or, in the US, meter). This post goes into further detail on the common rhythms employed by poets, and it covers some of the terminology used to describe and discuss them. Not all poetry pays close attention to metre, but a great deal does and a poet should always be aware of what the various terms mean. As we saw in the previous post, rhythm in spoken English is a product of patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables. So, for example, the word poem is a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable. You could write it PO-em to highlight this. Poets refer to this particular pattern as a trochee (a word originating from the Greek, as with much poetic terminology). It’s an example of what is called a â€Å"metrical foot†, which is just another way of describing a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. Other examples of trochees would be â€Å"Monday†, â€Å"fire†, â€Å"water†and â€Å"speaker†. Of course, it’s always possible to pronounce these words so that they aren’t trochees (they aren’t â€Å"trochaic†) – you might, for example, say Mon-DAY rather than MON-day in an exclamation. If you did say â€Å"Monday†with the emphasis on the second syllable, then you would be using an iamb rather than a trochee. An iamb is an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Other examples of iambs are â€Å"around†, â€Å"infect†, â€Å"decide†and â€Å"trapeze†. Between them, trochees and iambs make up a great deal of English poetry. There are two other metrical feet consisting of two syllables : the spondee (stressed-stressed, such as â€Å"heartbreak†) and the pyrrhic (unstressed-unstressed, such as â€Å"and the†). It’s rare for a poem to contain a lot of spondees or pyrrhics – they are generally used sparingly to break up a regular pattern of iambs etc. It’s also worth knowing about some three syllable feet : the anapest (unstressed-unstressed-stressed e.g. â€Å"to the moon†), the dactyl (stressed-unstressed-unstressed, e.g. â€Å"poetry†) and the amphibrach (unstressed-stressed-unstressed, e.g. â€Å"undying†). All of these terms are often used in combination with a word indicating how many of them there are in each line of a poem. This gives us a complete description of a poem’s metre. So, for example, if each line consists of five iambs, such as those from Gray’s Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard reproduced in the first post, we would describe this as â€Å"iambic pentameter†. The word pentameter means, simply, that there are five metrical feet to the line. Other numbers of feet have similar terms: trimeter for three, tetrameter for four, hexameter for six and so forth. So, if your poem generally has four trochees to the line, you would say its metre is trochaic tetrameter. If you write poetry, metre is an additional dimension to your work you should be thinking about. Sometimes, as you write a particular poem, it will naturally start to fall into a particular rhythm scheme. Sometimes it is a conscious decision. Its always up to you whether you want to stay with a chosen metre and how strictly you want to adhere to it. Different metres will have different effects on the sound of your poem. It pays to experiment. For example, does your poem demand a fast-moving rhythm or something more sombre? Do you want to stick to a predictable, confident metre or write something less clear-cut, more full of uncertainties and pauses? The answer will always depend on the individual poem. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:60 Synonyms for â€Å"Walk†Is There a Reason â€Å"the Reason Why†Is Considered Wrong?May Have vs. Might Have
Sunday, November 3, 2019
E-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words
E-commerce - Essay Example This technology has become the inseparable part of organizational integration, marketing, HRM, and customer retention. Hence, the firms with non-viable features are most likely to fail in the current business environment. Hundreds and millions of customers today rely on internet, either to purchase something or to collect information about various products and services they require. This fast growing trend is fondly referred to ‘e-commerce’ which forces entrepreneurs to modify their business in accordance with the market changes. In order to be competitive, organizations need to have instant and accurate access to information about their own resources and assets. Since the potential of the internet, as an integral tool of a company’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and decision making has been proven, companies heavily depend on the web based technology. This report will examine the main features of e-commerce, changing business models, features of digital mark ets and digital goods, various internet business models, principal payment systems in e-commerce, and new developments in the area etc. If a company runs its business functions electronically, the method can be called e-commerce. However, the type of e-commerce that a firm adopts depends on its organizational structure, size, business area, target segments, and many other factors. In common, e-commerce is effective between business and business, between business and consumers, between business and employees, between consumer and consumer etc. Regardless of the category of e-commerce, there is clear indication of more consumers and businesses entering the stream of electronic commerce. For instance, in the United States alone 2 percent of all retail sales revenue is generated from e-commerce; and coming days would witness tremendous upside growth in this area (Lauden & Lauden, J. P. 2007, p. 303). The term B2B refers to the sales and transactions between business groups which
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